Wholesale and Cash&Carry
In the field of the wholesale of various product lines (FMCG, home, intermediate agricultural products), we are engaged in the sale of goods to all types of legal entities, such as franchises, wholesalers, horeca clients, small traders, sole traders and budget users.
Sales are carried out in the classical way through warehousing, through the sales channel of Cash&Carry stores and through transit. Our key goals are directed towards retaining and improving the achieved market positions and levels of sales to external customers in all field segments.
Mercator d.o.o. IP Veleprodaja
Dunajska cesta 107
1000 Ljubljana
Mr. Tomaž Blagotinšek Director of the Wholesale T: +386 (0)1 560 11 89 M: +386 (0) 030 996 263 E: tomaz.blagotinsek@mercator.si |
Mrs. Alenka Krafogel Director of Sales of Agricultural program and Transit T: +386 (0)1 560 33 51 M: +3861 (0)30 998 267 E: alenka.krafogel@mercator.si |
Mr. Mitja Gobec Director of Logistics T: +386 (0) 560 33 46 M: +386 (0)51 315 118 E: mitja.gobec@mercator.si |
Mrs. Helenca Mramor Head Merchants and Key buyers T: +386 (0)1 560 33 06 M: +386 (0)30 996 253 E: helenca.mramor@mercator.si |
Mr. Ivan Rozman Head of HoReCa T: +386 (0)1 560 34 43 M: +386 (0)40 438 650 E: ivo.rozman@mercator.si |
Contacts of Regional leaders:
regional leader | region | M | E |
Jožica Markač | ŠTAJERSKO-POMURSKA | +386 (0)30-998-473 | jozica.markac@mercator.si |
Danijel Hahn | DOLENJSKA | +386 (0)51-291-643 | danijel.hahn@mercator.si |
Milojka Jelenko | CELJSKO-KOROŠKA | +386 (0)31-638-859 | milojka.jelenko@mercator.si |
Nataša Demšar | GORENJSKA | +386 (0)51-289-964 | natasa.demsar@mercator.si |
Uroš Valjavec | GORENJSKA | +386 (0)30-996-284 | uros.valjavec@mercator.si |
Tilen Bučić | GORENJSKA | +386 (0)51-284-326 | tilen.bucic@mercator.si |
Borut Kenda | GORIŠKO PRIMORSKA | +386 (0)51-291-099 | borut.kenda@mercator.si |
Elisa Turner | POMURSKA | +386 (0)51-291-837 | elisa.turner@mercator.si |
Uroš Vodopivec | PRIMORSKA | +386 (0)51-291-624 | uros.vodopivec@mercator.si |
Tamara Kokalj | OSREDNJA SLOVENIJA | +386 (0)30-998-501 | tamara.kokalj@mercator.si |