Resolutions of the 31st Shareholders Assembly
Pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the relevant legislation, the company Poslovni sistem Mercator d.d, Ljubljana, hereby announces the resolutions of the 31st extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Shareholders Assembly) convened at the request of the sole shareholder Fortenova Grupa d.d. and held on April 12, 2022, at the company headquarters in Ljubljana, Dunajska cesta 107.
Adopted resolutions:
Upon proposal by the sole shareholder Fortenova Grupa d.d., the 31st extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (Shareholders Assembly) voted on the delisting of all 6,257,610 ordinary registered no-par value shares with the symbol MELR from the regulated (prime) securities market. The adopted resolutions and other information are presented in the Shareholders Assembly minutes attached herewith.
Challenging action announced:
Representation of five major shareholders:
The share of voting rights held by the shareholder present at the general meeting of shareholders (Shareholders Assembly) amounted to 100%, relative to the total of voting shares. The sole shareholder of the company Poslovni sistem Mercator d.d. was present or represented at the Assembly:
Fortenova Grupa d.d.; number of shares and votes: 6,215,418; share relative to all shares bearing voting right: 100.00%.
As at the day of the assembly, the company held 42,192 treasury shares that are non-voting shares.
On April 12, 2022, this announcement shall also be posted on the company website at www.mercatorgroup.si where it shall remain available for a period of no less than five years.
Poslovni sistem Mercator d. d.
Management Board